It didn’t work when I tried to wriggle out of my being. I am in TOO DEEP.
I confined myself within to SHUT THE WORLD out, all to no avail
The time I spent in the west was well spent vigour, and MONEY too
Once again, the orderliness as consistent as always, spoke volumes
She made manifest, the yawning gap between them, and our alleged DEVELOPING one
The development that seems to take five steps backwards for every two AND A HALF forward
My eyes burn, my head aches, my skin crawls, my toes squirm and MY FIST tightens
Every so often I curse out loudly at MYSELF, for it has reverberated on my wound up windows
If only my Canon Digital SLR was an AA-12 combat shotgun, I would point and KILL
The success a REBRANDED state might be hinged on the DEMISE of most of you
Your leaders are more concerned about HOW YOU DRESS than your getting an EDUCATION
I am ENCOURAGED to seek solace in my remuneration for I am bereft of job satisfaction
I’m turning in my military hardware for AMNESTY is nigh and TIME is of the essence
It is only we who can fight for us so pray allow me to CRY my own CRY