Tuesday, 10 June 2008


I was thinking about you and what happened the last time you came over. You know what, if that’s how you want it then let it be that way. It’s not like you’re my girlfriend and I cheated on you or anything like that.

You would have to learn to grow up and take responsibility for your actions and stop acting like someone is tying you up and sucking on your clit against your will. Maybe you really are slow.

I know I have my faults and I ask for exoneration, but who doesn’t. The drama you put up was utter rubbish, first of all, you stop me right in the middle of intercourse; in-between your moaning, groaning and telling me to fuck your pussy you start begging me to stop and mean it. What the problem might be, I ask. I initially thought it was because we were not using protection; but we had just fucked one hand before now, you were the one that sat on my bare dick and said you were safe. Anyway, I was wrong; it had nothing to do with contraceptives. I stopped.

You said something about not being able to do away with the feelings you once had, as far as I am concerned, you had moved on. Were you not the one calling me and giving me beef last year? Somehow you succeeded in giving me no reasons why we had to stop sex halfway through.

The gloop on my shaft was enough for me to wank with. I return from the bathroom to find you sobbing. No one within a 10mile radius knew the reason why you are crying like you had just lost your virginity. I comfort you saying sorry for ever inviting you. You asked to leave next flight and cut a 4 day trip to an overnight outing. After I had concluded arrangements to leave work and take you to the airport 50 minutes away from town you change your mind to stay the entire trip. Let’s be friends like we had originally agreed.

That day goes by quietly and peacefully, nothing absolutely physical between us, not even a hug. We’re back from the evening's outing. This girl at this point I won’t call my chic called and we spoke for about an hour, over half of which I spent in the toilet because I had to take a shit and couldn’t clean up till after I was done with the call.

You got angry when I said yes that it seemed like I had a chic, I said yes because she was the one I had been spending all my talk time with for the past couple of months. Not like you ever called me anyway. I was not sure if I was going to tell you about her because there was nothing to tell. Saying stuff like you felt used and betrayed was silly, I was never yours to start with and made you no promises.

I don’t see what you were getting hurt about. I am not your boyfriend, am I? We once had something going that didn't work, now are trying to be friends. We should feel free to tell each other about the other people in our lives; maybe you’d have me tell a lie. I told you I was sorry if it hurt you, you said I should go fuck myself.

If you can’t handle fucking a man that’s has his eyes on another chic then don’t agree to buying you a plane ticket to fly halfway across the country to him. I wish it didn’t end this way but now I don’t care if you forgive or forget anything; it’s your own kettle of fish, fry or boil as you damn well please.


flawsandall said...

first first first

flawsandall said...

a case of if "you cant take the heat, get out the kitchen"

yeah she needs to move on unspitefully..obviously she could not handle the friendship

guerreiranigeriana said...

...hmmmnnn...not sure about that one...seems a little interesting, on her end especially...do you usually sleep with your friends?...*raised eyebrow*...kudos to stopping mid-sex...most guys would not have...did she think there was something going on before she came over?...you bought her a plane ticket?...*scratches her head*...ummm...you need to explain this more;)...see how you dudes confuse silly girls?...:)

bArOquE said...

@zephi, no prize but u made me smile *winks*...my dear there's no heat, she has just turned into a drama queeen...yea just maybe, she cant handle the relationship

@gnaij,interesting huh? i dont sleep with my friends, some people i sleep with have become my friends, & then we could if we want *nods*...yes oh, i stopped mid-sex, now i wish i didn't...there was nothing b4 she came over. we had left a situation sour & were meant to do kiss-&-make-up/let-be-friends ...yes i got her a return. you want one? *grins ear to ear*...there were no terms & conditions for the trip (man&woman,3nights?), she could have made the best of it

Afrobabe said...

dannnng I am sure glad it's not worded to me...

I like being the girl you talk to...

See why we shouldn;t sleep with our male friends....

too fucking late (pun intended)...

Tairebabs said...


This was hot! I can still feel the heat.

Like afrobabe said I thank God its not me o!

Anonymous said...

well the chic should have known that 3 nights in a hotel with you meant one thing!I blame her for not knowing better!!U guys sa!!!!maybe she wasnt quite ready to sleep with you,or was confused,or was nursing a broken heart!!and of course she'd feel hurt hearing u talk to someone for an hour on d phone when u were supposed to be weekending(is that dat word-lol)together!!

Zena said...

Sleeping with a "friend" usually doesn't turn out right at the end of the day....I guess you guys gave each other mixed signals

Queen of My Castle said...

Men...I swear. SHM.

I agree with Afro...I would prefer to be the chic you actually talk to. Why do you men buy plane tickets for a piece of ass when you already have some there where you are? I don't understand that.

With women you have to be clear. If it's just a sex thing, tell her that. If you want more than just sex, tell her that as well, that way there are no hurt feelings and mixed emotions.

*Swooning @ the tying up and sucking clit bit* That was kinda hawt. LOL

Afrobabe said...

Come baroque (wettin the name mean sef) I have been trying to ignore that clit part of the gist but people no allow me...lol

can u please throw more light on it...


bArOquE said...

@afrobabe, no, it can’t be worded to you; you’re a lot smarter...what if you were had been sleeping with this guy in the past???
...too fucking late...LOL

@tairebabs, I was actually going to do her a mail then decided instead to vent on blogsville

@pinqsatin, did I mention, your legs in the air part (its wild) *wink*...it wasn’t a hotel, it was my caban, & it was not her 1st or 2nd time weekending there, so sex to us was not new

@zena, I think I know what you mean sha

@queenofhercastle, SHM-means?? Ok I would rather talk to you too...I didn’t have anyone there with me, the person I was talking to was farther away...sex was not the primary agenda but I’m not sure we could have avoided it...she knew this too (& actually said she wanted it)

...the tying up (actually holding you down with my hands) and licking & sucking your clit is a gift of mine; maybe the reason she came (pun intended)...

@afrobaby, just saw your comment...i should break it down right

Tyger said...


firstly she was silly... stopping half way there...

nothing good comes from shagging your male friends...
and if you were just friends, just friends... what's with the ticket and 3 nights together?....
and friends do know about the people in their friend's lives (at least close friends) so if you guys were close enough to spend 3 nights no strings, you shoulda mentioned the other woman if only in passing...

you passed mixed signals dude... very mixed... and so did she...

dont be so mad though... i do think she will be back...lol...cos she seems kinda confused...

but this post is wild!

LemonadeGirl said...

'the gloop on my shaft'..

Lol.. Gloop is a funny word

she sounds like a bonafide drama queen...but I think guys should know this

There is no such thing as a girl being ok with being a fuckbuddy-for lack of a better term-so to save yourself the drama dont even go there! Have lots of one nighters... Or perhaps a girlfriend..:-)

U bought her a ticket? Tsk

And I'm right here swooning with QOMC!!

tobenna said...

Why I'm just stumbling on your blog, I don't know.
I so totally like your post title.
Ok, it seems we are in the same town. Reading your post makes me miss what I used to do until recently. Well, kinda.
No more fuckeries or fuck buddies for me.
I'm happily playing straight.

Quit bitching, you are the Other Man! :)

dat 1 okrika babe said...

Don't be mad at o'le girl, it's sometimes hard for females to detach those feelings. What you guys had planned was 3days of carnal pleasure (damn that sounds nice). Her mind was probably ready but her heart wasn't.

Damn I used to read Confessions of a Serial Daters blog and he used to post about flying women into town, or going to their towns for weekend tryst. So this type of shit happens all the time? Damn! my life has been too shelter.

Nigerian Drama Queen said...

Dang but ur harsh sha!
I blame her to certain extent-i have never and will never understand why women hear/see one thing and choose to believe another. The man says 'im not into you like that'...the woman hears 'this could turn into a relationship..'

bArOquE said...

@tyger, we never really were friends, we once had something. she’s someone whose friendship I would love to keep. she knew this...we’v done nights before and i’m sure she didn’t think nothing was gonna happen this time...I should never have invited her, but I wont take the guilt trip.

@lemonadegirl, it was very creamy & slippery, thus, gloop *closes eyes & exhales*...funny thing, it was a girl that intro’d me to the whole fuckbuddy thing, we start out one way & end as friends/fuckingmates (now I’ve got a couple of them)...I’ve tried having a gurlfy but she’s doing major fuckeries so I’m about to ‘research’ (another jist for another day)...this chic was not meant to be a fuckbuddy, at all.
TSK, QOMC, what means???

@tobenna, thanks man, there was a time I’d only chase if I knew she had a boyfy, loved being the other man...fuckbuddies can be cool until drama comes...
when you say playing straight, may I ask what you were playing before???

@D1OG,(dat1okirikagurl)...you’ve said it all, her mind was ready but her heart wasn’t...& yea this kindsa shit happens everyday...sometimes I do the flying/roading into their town...nights of carnal pleasure...I’ll give to have that right now

@NDQ, me harsh?...I think women do like that so that whichever way to make we guys look bad, that way they win

Atutupoyoyo said...

Only a woman can stop mid-coitus. Only a craze man or gentleman go even hear wetin she dey talk and stop.

Now I know say u no be gentleman so which one u be?

Queen of My Castle said...

LOL @ Atutu

bArOquE said...

@atutu, i be half crazeman half gentleman, as opposed to popular opinion LOL...imagine say i do like you, no gree stop, would i have been able to handle the drama?

@queenofhercastle, u dey laugh, is it the tying up & sucking bit you came to check up on? meanwhile wetin be SHM, simple harmonic motion?

Smaragd said...

SMH- Shake My Head

i decided to stop by when i noticed that we frequent pretty much same blogs, so here i am and am a bit stunned!

i'm right there swooning along with the swooners (QOMC & lemonade), thanking along with the "thankers (Afro and Taire)and totally agreeing with NDQ.

will def be back (who doesnt like to read about sex and fuckery?...lol)

Smaragd said...

just read ur post "Customer Served"! u made my day, sorry .. evening! those surly, rude cashiers or whatever they are called make me go gaga!

Naija Idol said...

"over half of which I spent in the toilet because I had to take a shit and couldn’t clean up till after I was done with the call"-LMAO

u seem really harsh oh but the girl has to move on oh. she is emotionally unstable.

Allied said...

This one pass me oh.. i dont know, i just feel for the girl.. I know u guys are grown ups but...

Sometimes a girl hopes

Jay said...

Drama drama drama...wow, you sound really pissed off.

Hmm...i think the intenions of the visit were different for both you and her. She wanted you clearly but i think she was either expecting something more...or differnt. Whatever it was, she didn't get it hence the "episode". Girls can be sensitive and very vague (i know its really annoying)...but dang...she stopped the jiggy action...no wonder you are cheesed off

If you're friends...then maybe this is why you are ONLY friends.


bArOquE said...

@smaragd, so, since na head una dey shake eh? I think simple harmonice motion, oscillatory motion about an equilibrium point (if u know what I mean)LOL...I have hired a stand by water tanker at my blog to revive all you swooners
...shey you feel me as per these so called customer service personnel...off to yours

@naijaidol, make una no laugh abeg, na true talk...you know na, for those of us that use water, you pour with one hand & wash with the other...I’ve let the girl move on with her unstable emotions

@allied, i know, i know but she's not been grown up about the whole issue...how does hope relate making mountains from a mole hills?...btw, very good work you did on Serenity14th...kudos

@jarrai, very sensitive & vague, i totally agree, our intentions were very different...yes oh, she stopped the action in mid jiggy...

...with me on top, she moves upwards sliding my thing out, i moved up sharply, close marking her now very wet fanny and thrust back in, felt so good, almost made me cum, then she starts begging, i stop for a sec, or two, then continue pumping & grinding, until she starts pushing me off & the begging makes me look like a rapist...i had to stop...SUCH BULLSHIT

Lighty 'neferet' Kopearl said...

i swear i was here the day this post was up and i thot i commented? i must av been dilutional.

um baroque... wot is going on here? U boning one and booty calling another.

bad boy. u've been a very bad boy (spanking u in the process) lol!

seriously now, looks like u like ur call chick and ur shag mate is falling for u. it always gets like this. i mean u start with a shag all of a sudden sum1 is callin the other a 'fucking bastard' when there was never the slimmest of chances that it would ever go further than a shag in the first place.
i say lay down ur shag mate gently, talk about the situation, it always help define things.

and dive 4 my pebbles baroque, diveeeeeeeeeee. lol!

Queen of My Castle said...

My bad...that was supposed to read SMH, which means Shaking My Head.

Were you expecting me to come back for the tying up bit?

bArOquE said...

@lighty, you spanking me? now thats a thought i shall not easily forget...& diving for your pretty pebbles, i surely will...you know i've been in your area for a while now, so be careful for what you wish for

@QOMC, you dont want me to tie you up, you might not be able to handle it, trust me...LOL

Lighty 'neferet' Kopearl said...

ha ha bring it on bad boy. i swear i no fear. lol! shaking my head.... lololol.

bArOquE said...

@lighty, dont mess with me pretty pebbles...can you handle it, if i take you there (using my tongue only)...be very afraid

Lighty 'neferet' Kopearl said...

fear. the word is not in my dictionary. say. where did the word come from??? never heard it in my life.

but the tongue, i say am very familiar with the lunacy it brings me. with it i am lost in transition and sweetie i could handle every muscle in it.
bring it on or rot.

bArOquE said...

you can handle every muscle??? OMG...now the word you should be concerned about is ECSTACY...lemme see what those muscles can do when i bring you lunacy and loose you in transition...xxx

cally-waffybabe said...

lmfao!!! lol at atuts comment as well.

my baroque aka crase man (lololol): worris all this o mbok? i leave you for just a coupla days and return to find you outta order. naughty naughty...

btw is this that babe you gisted me about? and please lose da carelessness. ALWAYS use protection. you may be naughty, but i don't wanna lose you...

lighty, you don rotten finish pass yama yama tomatoes kai. y'all are mad funny kai.

i'm outta here before i get contaminated (remember i've changed lol).

Jay said...

LOL....Nice replay...hehehehehehehehe


Original Mgbeke said...

*Does the sign of the cross*
Baroque o..these ya life happenings sef. :D
But the babe sha, awon babes gosta be ready to handle being a friend with benefits..abi now? Someway or the other, someone catches feelings and ish gets complicated. Btw *smh* at her stopping you mid sex. chei!!!!

And yes, you may nurse me anytime. *winks*

bArOquE said...

@cwb, me? outta order? see you wey don change? you went & left me high & dry, but for 'well wishers' na my carcass you for see here...
as for lighty, thats why i'm trying to 'do' her clean

@jarrai, you dey feel am abi?

@mbgeks, dont mind her biko, she just did me like that...johnnie bravo had to be dipped in icy tap water...suffer dey oh
&yes, you shall be nursed, intensively

ablackjamesbond said...

See drama...been there before man...not funny at all.

But u harsh small o.

Anonymous said...

BLOGVILLE IDOL 08 is coming soon..please check my blog for more details

Brilliantly Me said...

*sigh* Chicks are so confusing….you never know what they really want. So you know what I do? I just ignore them until they can actually explain what the hell they really want.

bArOquE said...

@black007, wetin i do wey harsh naa, abeg?

@pinksatin, BLOGSVILLE IDOLS huh!!! whatever happened to the winner of last year's own?

@rayo, seeing that women dont know what they want, how can they explain it?

Afrobabe said...

Where is the breakdown now....mcheeewwww..

Oya...throw more light on the clit part....why does that picture make me hot sef....abeg oh...I got a man!!!

Alias said...

kai this dude ur harsh.....
u see that is why i always say girls(especially naija babe) cannot act like guys.....
everythin has to be all emotional so a good fuck buddy turns into a blubbering mess...oh well....
kai thank God is not me cos this babe don chop...
but u r kinda funny i have to admit even when ur ranting.....:)

Brilliantly Me said...


....ok, fine, I don't know the answer to that question.

bArOquE said...

@afrobabe, i did one small replay...scroll up a page or 2...i could give you a one-off experience though if you will, your man need not know

@whatpussybrought, a blubbering mess, can be very annoying you know...how can you be glad you're not her, you know what my tongue taste like down there? try & see

@Rayo, you know what i mean right...

Smaragd said...

is RAYO not a chick? *shakes head in confusion*

LIGHTY can u and BAROQUE plesae get a room already!lol

APHRO, all this one wey e yarn no reach ehn? until he puts up a video, naughty girl!

okay, can we get sth new and maybe naughtier to read *bats long lashes*

Brilliantly Me said...

@Smaragd-Rayo is a chick...why are you confused?

Jaguda said...

yawa! the old me would have finished that session o, but the new me will stop,as im trying to be a gentleman. that babe is wicked with a capital wicked. she's a girl not yet a woman. dont worry ur conscience is in the right place. dude next time strap up o. u never know...AIDS no dey show for face o!

bArOquE said...

@jaguda, i hear you, i dont normally tread w/o rain boots but this girl, was a clean one, aje kind, (not fucking anyone else), as i no dey fear belle i just run am, (GOD forgiv me)...thanks for visiting though, u don almost enter all the rooms finish

Mocha said...

Damn..stopping halfway was cold!

You hash o! but you're also honest..and I respect that.
Chick shouldnt have taken on what she couldnt handle.
I'm all for accountability.

Nice blog.

Miss Definitely Maybe said...

hmmm I think....and im trying to think slowly, a one night stand is anything less than one night. Just shagging means casual sex and casual sex means 'I am bored got nothing to do come over 4 a couple of hrs we grab some lunch then shag...but when its over 4days? 4 whole days? She sleeps at yours wakes up at yours takes a bath at yours then sleep at yours x4? hell even my long term relationships arent that deep, its a relationship dude, albeit a twisted, only sexual 'this wont go anywhere RELATIONSHIP lol

ps You bought her a plane ticket???!!! Thats one expensive no strings attached casual kitty kat tasting right there, chicca must have a Kitty Kat laced with honey!!

Miss Definitely Maybe said...

Queen of My Castle said...
I agree with Afro...I would prefer to be the chic you actually talk to.

(i dont normally swear...)
But WTF???!!!!

To hell with talking

You can scuk my kitty kat any given Sunday

....okay not Sunday thats Jehovah's day, how about just MOnday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday..okay guess u get the drift.

talk? talk what? nxa If you want to talk call your mother....

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