Wednesday, 30 December 2009

So Far So Good

Nothing like a Nollywood runaway success, this one seems like it’s going to have a very non anticlimactic ending. The year 2009 I speak about, however I can only speak for myself. There were quite a lot of achievements to make up for the under achievements. The makeup and breakups, the additions and subtractions, the deaths and lives, the divisions and multiplications, the omissions and commissions, the ups and downs, the bliss and the fury, the commitments and indifference, the adventures and misadventures.etc

I have been far from good and have learnt more about the man that I am, I make no boast yet I say I was there and did that. I might not be feeling on top of the world presently or be in the best of moods but I am heartily thankful to Almighty God for all his goodness and faithfulness towards me. To say the least, He’s simply awesome.

The past few days has had me winding down on a very low key. No black market petrol , no generator hullaballoo, no mad PH drivers blaring horns, no stale air, no touts enforcing non-existent traffic laws or trying to jump drivers in the middle of traffic.

For almost a week, I have been in the place where my ancestors found their roots, literally chilling under blankets, browsing the internet or watching movies, and being catered to hopelessly by the women in my life. I am savouring this period of not having to spend money daily just to get by. You should expect nothing less when a little over an hour away from the so-called Garden City of Port Harcourt lies my humble hometown with almost 24hour uninterrupted power supply with almost no traffic and such city madness, all year round.

One other interesting note is how I can live under the same roof with my father and avoid him like we were married to the same husband. He sure knows how to get under my skin, so it’s best this way.

This post was intended to relay to you my rest in the past few days and thanksgiving to God Almighty for giving me the opportunity to reflect and understand his kindness to me amidst all. I wish you all a very swell ending to 2009 and a very happy and prosperous brand new 2010, even as your souls propereth.


CaramelD said...

Village life can be very cool, apart from kitchen work!! Wishing you a very happy 2010

~Sirius~ said...

Happy 2010....
And make sure you enjoy all the pampering.

bArOquE said...

~CaramelD, what kitchen work might you mean? even if i cant count, there are at least 5 women in this house, including my mother...hope you have a blissfull 2010 too

~Sirius, i sure am enjoying all the pampering...happy 2010 to you too

Ms. 'dufa said...

HAPPY 2010!!! ENJOY!

Myne said...

Awww, that last part was so sweet. Enjoy dear and all the best of the new year to you too...

bArOquE said...

~Ms.'dufz, i wish you the same...enjoy

~MyneWhitman, dont make me blush, i wish you too the best of heaven & earth in 2010...& may I also read your book in the near future

The Girl with the Red Hair said...

Happy 2010!!!
All the best

Shubby Doo said...

Wishing u a very happy new year (from lagos).

Hope all is well with u hun.

Shubby Doo said...

This post shows u at your calmest and most content in 2009. It's nice to see ;)

NoLimit said...

Beautiful post as usual
Wish you the same Baroque and enjoy the break!!!

mizchif said...

I agree with Shubby, this is you at your calmest this year.

May 2010 have more ups than downs,more commisions than ommisions and all other good stuff.

Anonymous said...

Happy new year. Hope you had a grand time with your family in the villa. We are chilling in cold here. Thank God for everything.

ibiluv said...

the end of the year always gives that reflective feeling

family always caters to us-thats why we love them

lol at you and your pa.........

enjoy 2010-this year will shock us all...amen

kmplx said...

*dabs eyes with tissues* didn't know you could be so raw, rugged and mushy, b-que. That. was. the. most...
happy new decade. :)

bArOquE said...

~dRedHairGurl, thanks darl…I wish you the best too

~ShubbyDoo, common, haven’t I been calm? Or did I show that much discontent? all is well with me, but why are you in Lagos & just letting us know. happy new year to your family

~NoLimit, the post wasn’t intended to look/sound nice, was only just saying…nevertheless thanks sweetie. I enjoyed the break & I’m back at work

~mizChif, of course you don’t really mean more COMMISSIONS, w.r.t Omissions…I no gree that one oh…but AMEN to all other good stuff(s)

~beautyGoodone, I had a good time with family, thank God for everything…

~IbiLuv, I pray the shock is a pleasant on in 2010…AMEN to that

~kmplx, ah ah, why you wanna make me blush? Happy New decade too darling

The Activist said...

Interesting holiday. father and son-lol. Happy new year to you.

Rita said...

I could have sent you an e-hug but I know you might report me :-) There is something about this post but I just love it, and I join you in thanksgiving.

Wishing you a wonderful 2010. Remain blessed.

bArOquE said...

~Standtall, Happy New Year to you too sweetie

~Rita, i love it that you love it...& who might i report you to?...i wish you a wonderful 2010 too

Tyger said...

king of the village... maybe you should move back there and shuttle to port harcourt everyday! how about that! lol....

the part about avoiding popsy like you are married to the same husband cracks me up! now you sound like my brother!

miss you some! you should call this chicken

bArOquE said...

~Tyger, oh my lovely chicken, how have you abandoned me so, thanks to this your exotic gown search...your single days are very numbered *evil laugh*

Miss Natural said...

same to you!! well 2 months down the line