Wednesday, 5 March 2008

Do I Love Your Ways?

I hate you dislike Bob Marley

I love you know the right words to say

I hate you leave me in emotional limbo

I love you find me fairly humorous

I hate red nail varnish on your toes

I love to smell your hair when I hold you

I hate you don’t let me in my kitchen

I love you slicing onions and pounding yam

I hate you can be needlessly pessimistic

I love you say ‘yeah baby’ when I call

I hate you have too many shoes

I love the clothes you buy me are spot on

I hate you can’t take simple driving instructions

I love long trips with you as my companion

I hate how much attention you give your novels

I love you always select the best movies for the evening

I hate you make we wait for ages

I love you cosset me when my back hurts

I hate you dot all the T’s and cross all the I’s

I’m in love with the love we make


Jennifer A. said...

Lolll @ not being able to take simple driving lessons. I'm laughing cos people have been giving me driving lessons myself...test coming up this week.

U love her pounding yam? Lol...

U hate that she stops u from entering ur kitchen. Be happy o...some won't even enter...

I like that u love some things and hate some things. Makes life spicy, don't u think?

Nice post!

Tyger said...

totally beautiful.. and touching... in that you hate somethings you love her so much.... but stop making her pound yam o... haha!

Lighty 'neferet' Kopearl said...

i know u do baby, i do too.
only i hate u had to say it on this post.
i love u said it at all

Brilliantly Me said...

Cute...makes me want to be in love.

ibiluv said...

surreal............very nice

bumight said...

u hate my red nail polish? but i put it on just for u!
u hate that i have too many shoes? but that is so that I can match ur too many shirts...

Jaja said...

Even with the things you are hating, there is a sense of tenderness tied to this...

It is a quiet post that leaves me with a mood that is not easily shaken off.

keep writing bro!

Jaja said...

Regarding your comment: You say you want to kidnap me, have i now turned into an oyinbo? eh?

I no sure say bleaching creame fit tone my type of black... Plus u no go see coins sef as per ransom...

bArOquE said...

@jaycee, thanx. yea life needs the spice

@tyger, she has to pound the yam oh

@lighty, *wink* back...glad u feel me

@rayo, being in love is good..ask isi

@ibiluv, thanks

@bumight, we get outstanding...atink u know

@jaja, i know say u be bad market oh...but thanks

Nice Anon said...

awwww how cute!

Mrs Somebody said...

Hi baroque............

Anonymous said...

awww so cute and lovey-dovey in a realistic way

cally-waffybabe said...

Hey Mr naughty...

timmy said...

Joy Isi Bewaji said...

you hate and love a lot of things about her....
and that's ok!

how are u B?!

plastiQ said...

Nice one bro. But don't you think the line between 'hate' and 'love' is too thick? Like a sharp protruding divider.

bArOquE said...

@nice anon, thanx a mill

@mrs.sumburri, till i'm sure you're the real one...this must be an apparition

@miss kiki, uuurrrghhhhh!

@callywaffy, hey miss horny...u wanna whisper something in my ear?

@belinda, i'll check it out

@isi love, am ok. me@urs in a bit. you feel me right?

@plastiq, please explain

Anonymous said...

I dont know how i got here but im sure i will be stopping bye every morning.

Anya Posh said...

I liked that. That sounds like a pretty healthy relationship to me, because you're not all whipped about still reserved your hateful eccentricities despite all the love.

bArOquE said...
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bArOquE said...

@sprezatura, (last time i'm spelling that) much for dropping by every morning...i can't even see your brake lights

@posheye, i know what you mean, but isn't it always like that?its not like its a reservation for later use, but reality...good2have you here

Miss Enigma said...

Beautiful...I like!